It has been months since i last wrote . The urge to write fades away as days go by. I am quite busy nowadays.
After staying in KL for more then a week after Abah’s passing, we finaally went home to Kerteh. At the first, Dhirah, Hakim and bibik went back to kerteh on the following wednesday. Hakim missed 4 days of school as i did not want the house to be too quite. Busu and his family left for JB on tuesday. Alang and her kids went home on Wednesday too if i am not mistaken. الحمدالله mak looked calmed but only Allah knows how heavy her heart must have been. She must have been missed Abah so much.54 years of unconditional love between the 2 lovebirds!
الحمدالله on that Thursday, Alang and i made a trip to the cemetery to discuss on the making of abah’s grave. To make it neat and nice. I know it doesn’t matter anymore on how the grave looks like. Our prayers and doas are more important... it was very hard for all of to accept that abah is now in another world.
Mak is now staying with us. It has been more than a month now.
We actually went back to KL for Mak’s checkup. الحمدالله her back is ok. The doctor said it is ok for he to not use the back braces anymore. In fact he was surprised that Mak is still
using the braces as it has been more than a year since she hurt her back.
Alang picked us up for some thosei that morning . After breakfast we headed to Kamdar as i need to get some materials for my works. It was too early. The shop was still closed , so i decided to stop over at Amy’s shop. The kain pasang wete so so cantek. Could not hold my self to not buy .. so i decided to buy and sell ! Alhamdulillah managed to sell about 15 pieces!
The day i wrote the above was more than a week ago. Had to see the Pesuruhjaya Sumpah to get the affidavit to signed to release the Wasi to my littlest btother Busu to take over the duty of being the person to carry out the will etc. Alhamdulillah it was done now. Hopefully all will be over soon InsyaAllah.
Semoga kubur Abah menjadi taman2 syurga buat mu wahai Abah yang sangat kukasihi dan kurindui